Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amrika...here we come!

After a few weeks of indecision, thanks to wildly fluctuating airfares, the Wife and I finally decided to go to America over Christmas, mainly to see my sister's newborn child and partly to see my good ol' Nashvillian and Californian friends! At merely two weeks, it is very much on the short side of vacations, but it should make for an exciting, action-packed trip!

Getting our flight tickets was only part of the process. Now that we've settled that part, thanks to VAustralia (Richard Branson's newest venture) and American (aka crappy) Airlines, we have begun the US visa application process. Our visa interviews are on Oct 9 so we are in the process of collecting documentation of our life. Needless to say, the process is painstaking and in my opinion, largely unnecessary. But then again, it is Amrika, the most desirable tourist destination in the world! Right!

The excitement of seeing family and friends, whom we do not otherwise see, is getting us through these bureaucratic procedures. And of course, the prospect of a white Christmas! Amrika, as my beloved northern compatriots call it, here we come!!!


Super Babe said...

I should remind you that America is the whole freaking continent... but whatever. I'll remind you of that when I see you (and I may be so excited about seeing you that I may forget to give you a hard time about this particular thing!) :)

And why "Amrika"? I don't get it...

Manoj said...

Haha...Amrika is how you would say America in Hindi...and for most Indians, Amrika = USA! Just sayin...