Thursday, November 27, 2008

Violence is NOT the way to resolve conflict!

I cannot understand the logic when people turn to violence in the face of any conflict, especially a long-standing one. In recent times, from Osama bin Laden to George W. Bush to the Deccan Mujahideen, we have seen numerous examples of atrocities.

Violence is not the way to achieve any goal, because it only breeds hatred in the victim's community, giving fuel to revenge and leading to more violence in turn! What a mess! I will admit, it is very difficult to restrain yourself when you are a victim of such senselessness, but somebody has got to take the high ground and put an end to this vicious cycle.

Mahatma Gandhi was initially vilified by several more aggressive-minded freedom fighters in India because his non-violence protests often ended in scores of innocent folk getting killed or injured by British forces. However, it was his continued commitment to non-violence that eventually achieved independence for India. Yes, there was, and always will be, a price to pay in terms of lives lost when one side chooses to adopt a non-violent approach to resolve a conflict. However, the number of lives lost will almost always be much less than if both sides resorted to violence!

So, please, no matter if you're fighting on the premise of religion, culture, tradition, language, race, nationality, whatever, realize you are not going to gain anything from resorting to violence. The only thing you will achieve is breeding hatred for yourself among your supposed enemies. Now, tell me how this is a good thing?

1 comment:

Super Babe said...

I wondered the same thing... but even more... I would really like to know what a perfect view of the world, in terms of living conditions and all, is in their heads... Should we all live in caves? :(